Born as a Roman Catholic, I have somehow lost my way to God. My belief stayed with me through college but my education and life experiences have brought me further away from any kind of religion. God, an adult's imaginary friend, One who helps keep people sane and from destroying each other. I still prayer and often talk to my Imaginary Friend but I want to believe again in my God. I often wonder when times are the roughest and I am sitting and praying for my Lord to help me not go crazy in my own mind, if its my own strength getting through my demons or if its God sending me an angel for guidance and peace of mind.
They say the biggest religion is non-religion and I get it, but I so desperately want to believe again.
Pope Bendict XVI resigned Monday February 11, 2013. First Pope who has done so since the 15th Century. Ash Wednesday passed this week and instead of giving up something as most Catholics do, I decided to give in to God and be a practicing Catholic in one of the most Roman Catholic cities. I pray it leads me back into my faith in God and helps calm my soul.

I arrived about 2 hours early from the start of the mass at 10:30am. The seats were already filling up. I thought to myself these 2 hours of waiting are going to take forever but to my surprise it was a delightful entertaining couple of hours. There was a full orchestra band from Germany playing their songs from their state which happens to be the same state the Pope is from. How did they get those instruments passed security beats me, but I fully enjoyed their music. There were choirs from all over the world sharing their voices to the crowd. As we waited patiently, punctually the Pope arrived on time and as he got on stage, the crowd rose to their feet and cheered as if the Superbowl champs just walked on stage. I felt a sudden joy within and my happiness grew from seeing such believers and followers of the Pope that I to wanted to believe as deeply as these Catholics believed.
I have seen many pictures of Pope Benedict and thought he looked a bit demonish but as the man walked on stage, I saw a man who has a lifetime of experiences who looked like he couldn't hurt a fly. After all he is my babcia's (grandmother's) age. The experienced Pope spoke around 8 languages speaking Italian, French, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese... As each language was spoken, people with the native tongue cheered loudly with followers performing for the Pope through their song of prayer or sound of music played by instruments.
It was by far a wonderful experience. I will be awaiting the Papal Conclave that is to occur in the following weeks and to meeting the next Pope that is to come. Till then May God Bless you as he has blessed me.
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