Italy celebrates Easter in a big way. They spend 300 euros on a feast for Sunday lunch and take 2-3 days just to recoup from celebrating Jesus' resurrection. Also, in Italy and many European countries, Easter Monday or Pasquetta is national holiday where most schools and shops are closed. Lucky for me my teachers really used this holiday, as most Italians do, and took the whole week off.
My sister came and visited me during the most important religious holiday Easter and I decided to get free tickets to the Easter mass with the new Pope Francis
in St. Peter's square. I obtained my tickets through a Catholic College that has a satellite campus here in Italy. I am grateful for the young 'sister' who gave me the inside tip of what to expect on this day.

Tips for large mass held in the Square: First the joker looking costume guys Swiss guards hand out pamphlets for the Easter service. There are english translations inside and they have one reading in italian, one in spanish and one in english and throw in some german and french in there. There are four entrances to get inside. The two side entrances have metal detectors and x-ray scanner which make the lines go slower but they are closer to the front. The 2 entrances towards the center but in the back have no detectors or scanners but longer lines as most amateurs come through that entrance. The best entrances is the left side entrance as most don't take the time to go to this entrance but it was well worth it. The lines are not organized, not controlled you are squeezed into from have a 10 person wide lane into one. Believe me be comfortable with the people around you. Luckily we had a man nearby who wasn't afraid to tell people to get back in the line when they tried to skip, not even NUNS. Yup even made the nuns get back. No shame but hey we all waited in line since 7/7:30am. Yes to get to a 10:15 mass one must be in line at 7am to get a close view of the Pope.

As you enter St. Peter's, people sprint to the front. I mean people literally run to the front to hurry up and wait for 2 hours. Its an incredible scene to watch such faithful followers hall butt to get a glimpse of the Pope. So as I entered the Square I too ran threw the maze to get a good standing "seat" for mass. Best "seats" aka standing room is by the railings, luckily my long legs landed me a great "seat" on the center railing towards the front. So we wait, we packed sandwiches, ate, talked to fellow americans, germans and latinos until Mass started. And, if you're along the railing you actually get to receive Holy Communion by the Priests, which we blessfully did. I have tried to live in Roma on a higher level of spirituality and hope in faith and attending the Mass here can help anymore in their doubts in Christ.

It was an unforgettable experience to celebrate Easter in the Catholic Center. If you don't know, the Pope is the biggest celebrity on the planet. I am convinced. From plus 50,000 people all to stand in the heat or rain or cold outside, some who cannot even enter the Square but crowd the streets just to get a glimpse of the Pope, to where millions go and see the Pope while he visits their country in their hometown, no celebrity is ever valued as much as the Pope. At the end of the mass, the Pope got into his "Popemobile" and drove around the crowds. Just writing that brings a smile to my face because I forever have the images in my head of the crowds cheering Papa, Papa, Papa!!! The Pope stopped and kissed a baby and at another point picked up a small child who was mentally handicapped, who had my sister and several other in tears. Jesus has risen from the dead and a small part of my faith has grown a little stronger be a presence of something higher than I can imagine. Buona Pasqua.